Marcus Gollahon

Every Hour in the Flight Deck is a Lesson

Aviation isn’t just about taking off, cruising, and landing—every single hour spent in the flight deck is a lesson. And if you’re not learning something new every time you fly, you’re missing out on one of the biggest opportunities to refine your skills and become a better pilot.
Every Hour in the Flight Deck is a Lesson
Photo by Jp Valery / Unsplash

Aviation isn’t just about taking off, cruising, and landing—every single hour spent in the flight deck is a lesson. And if you’re not learning something new every time you fly, you’re missing out on one of the biggest opportunities to refine your skills and become a better pilot.

Here’s the truth: The best pilots are the ones who stay humble, stay curious, and approach every flight as an opportunity to learn. This isn’t just about the basics—it’s about the mindset that keeps you growing, no matter how many hours you’ve logged.

Let me break it down for you.

Lesson 1: Humility Keeps You Safe

No matter how experienced you are, flying doesn’t allow for arrogance. The moment you think you’ve “got it all figured out,” aviation has a way of reminding you who’s in charge. Maybe it’s a tricky crosswind landing, a complex ATC instruction, or an unexpected mechanical issue. The skies don’t care how many ratings you’ve earned.

Humility is what keeps you safe. It’s what makes you check that preflight inspection thoroughly, even when you’re tired. It’s what makes you double-check the weather, even when the forecast looks fine. And it’s what makes you continually seek feedback from your instructors, mentors, and peers.

The most dangerous pilot isn’t the one with the fewest hours—it’s the one who thinks they know it all. The skies reward the cautious and humble. So, every time you fly, remind yourself: there’s always something to learn.

Lesson 2: Curiosity Fuels Growth

Flying is a constant learning experience, but only if you approach it with curiosity. The best pilots aren’t just satisfied with the basics—they’re constantly asking questions and seeking to understand the “why” behind every procedure, every maneuver, and every decision.

Curiosity drives you to dig deeper:

  • Why does the airplane behave differently in certain weather conditions?
  • What’s really happening when you enter a holding pattern?
  • How can you refine your landings to make them smoother and more consistent?

The curious pilot is always reading, attending seminars, or even just debriefing themselves after every flight. They aren’t just satisfied with a “good enough” understanding—they want to master every aspect of flying.

And here’s the secret: Curiosity doesn’t just make you a better pilot—it makes flying more enjoyable. The more you understand, the more you appreciate the nuances of every flight. You’re not just flying—you’re engaging with the incredible complexity of aviation.

Lesson 3: Refining Your Skills is a Never-Ending Process

Becoming a great pilot isn’t about mastering a checklist and then coasting. It’s about constant refinement. Even the best pilots in the world still review their emergency procedures, still practice landings, and still seek out opportunities to improve.

You’ll never reach a point where you’ve “made it” as a pilot. Flying is too dynamic for that. But that’s not a discouragement—it’s what makes aviation so rewarding. Every flight is a chance to refine a skill, test a new technique, or challenge yourself in new ways.

Here are a few ways you can refine your skills every time you fly:

  • Self-Debrief: After every flight, ask yourself what went well and what didn’t. What could you have done better? What will you do differently next time?
  • Challenge Yourself: Don’t just stick to your comfort zone. Fly to new airports, practice crosswind landings, or brush up on maneuvers you haven’t done in a while.
  • Get Feedback: Fly with instructors or more experienced pilots who can provide you with constructive feedback. A fresh perspective can reveal areas for improvement you didn’t even realize existed.

Remember, every flight is an opportunity to get better. It’s not about perfection—it’s about constant improvement. And the pilots who are always refining their skills are the ones who stay sharp, stay safe, and stay in love with flying.

Stay Humble, Stay Curious, Never Stop Learning

The key to becoming a better pilot isn’t a fancy maneuver or a specific number of hours in your logbook. It’s a mindset. It’s the humility to recognize that you always have more to learn, the curiosity to seek out those lessons, and the dedication to constantly refine your skills.

Every hour in the flight deck is a lesson. Every flight is an opportunity to get better. Stay humble, stay curious, and never stop refining your skills. Because that’s what makes a truly great pilot.

About the author
Marcus Gollahon

Marcus Gollahon

Airline Pilot at SkyWest Charter, blends flight expertise with a passion for teaching and coding. Committed to aviation excellence and innovative education.

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